Page name: Nami, and the Seven Knights Rp area [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-14 20:04:09
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: Sonya Blue
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Nami, and the Seven Knights

Nami is being held prisoner in Jin's castle, he plans to kill her the moment she signs her late husbands kingdom over to him, he has not yet told her her husband is dead, but plans to do so soon.
The four remaining knights sent to rescue Nami are just outside the palace, trying to figure out how to rescue her before she signs over the kingdom
We are jumping ahead a few months now. Nami has been rescued, and has also found out that her unborn children are not her husbands, but are Jin's. They have not made it back to Nami's palace yet, due to the fact that things keep happening, either Jin catches up to them, and they have to hide, for Nami's safety, or Jin has sent someone after them to slow them down.


Raidon went off to go face Jin alone. Raidon died in the fight, and some believe Jin is dead as well, but he really isn't. Nami doesn't believe Jin is dead because his body was never found. About a month after she buried her husband, she found out that she was pregnant again, and soon gave birth to Vera, the daughter of Raidon, and the true heir to his throne. The kindom of Nightfell is still on guard, waiting for Jin's attack.
3 years later Vera, Amallia and Azhemin are three years old, and are currently learning to control their abilities. Nami has given each of the Knights that helped her and her children get to the castle safely their own land in the kingdom, and also lead their own groups of knights on patrols, looking for signs of Jin, or his wife, or his followers.
Nami has also allowed Morganis to stay in the castle, It took Nami almost a year to move on after the death of Raidon, the pain of losing him a second time proved to be more than she could handle for a long time. Morganis helped her the whole way. And now they are together...

Nami, and the seven knights *Jin's Castle*-Where Jin, and followers of jin can

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2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya jumped back several feet, away from him, and moving her hand to the hilt of her sword

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "Ta-da!" Ion yelled thrusting his hand forward, two small white orbs flying from his hand at Arya.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya attepted to dodge them both by jumping to the side and around some trees, she made a strange gesture with her left hand, and a very thick mist began to settle around them, making it hard to see.

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: The orbs missed but struck a tree behind her, detonating into a fireball, shattering the tree into splinters that whipped through the mist.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she flipped into the air, missing only a few of the splinters, and landed up in the branches of a tree

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion weathered the worst of the barrage of splinters. He was able to dodge and block most of them, but a dozen slipped under his guard scoring small cuts across his chest and arms.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya could see him clearly from her spot in her tree, and watched him carefully and quietly

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "Damn. MIst is cheating!" he said loudly, almost like a child complaining. he looked around, unable to see anything through the mist.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she chuckled and jumped to the tree above him, then jumped down infront of him and grinned, shoving him against the tree and pinning him there "is it now?"

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion grunted "Yes it is, though I can cheat to" he grinned raising another orb, he shut his eyes tight as the orb exploded into a flash of light.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she kept him pinned to the tree with one hand and sheilded her eyes with her other "..."

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion opened his eyes and frowned "Damn, you covered your eyes" he chuckled a ittle "Your reflexes are good"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: "years of training will to that..." she lowered her arm from her eyes and looked at him, smiling, still keeping him pinned to the tree.

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "Guess I need more then cheap parlor tricks to beat oyu huh?" he smiled back

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded once, still smiling "I would say so..."

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion smiled and chuckled "Care to let me go, not that I mind an elvish woman so close to me"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Dear you know what slave is?"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya leaned in closer to him "I'll think about it" she stuck her tounge out at him

Amallia frowned and shook her head

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion smirked a little "For someone over 200 you sure do act childish"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she shrugged "and?"

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "Nothing, just expect someone so old to be more refined and mature" he chuckled "Not that I mind this"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she rolled her eyed "maybe...but thats boring...when the situation calls for it, then i am..."

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "And what would you say this situation calls for" he said nodding to her hand still pining him to the tree.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked and smiled a little, "well if it were anyone else this would be a death sentence, but seeing as there isnt a dagger at your throat..."

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "Fair point, the only thin you have pointed at me is your tongue" he laughed.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she laughed "right" she released him, but didnt back away from him

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion smiled and didnt move, unable to stop himself feeling attracted to Arya.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled a bit at him

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion walked towards his fallen blade, careful to brush his hand gently over Aryas as he passed her to get it.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she watched him "...."

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion picked up his sword and swung it, cleanign the dirt from it and the condensation from the mist, the blade making a whistling noise at it cut through the air.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she made a gesture with her hand, and the mist slowly faded

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion smiled and quickly whipped around his sword faster then it was before and stopped inches from her neck. Ion smiled "Unfortunately for you, you didnt score a killing attack against me before, so this is still valid" he chuckled 'Probably should have put a dagger to my throat."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she didnt flinch away from his sword "So you win....this time" she smiled at him

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "Only because of a big technicality" he chuckled and withdrew his blade running the blunt side acrss the sheath before sheathing the blade.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she walked up to him "how far is camp from here?"

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "Not long, maybe 30 minutes or so" Ion said remembering passing the tree he had marked with an X

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled and nodded "alright..."

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "Though that may have pissed of the kodama again" he said pointing at the tree stump left fro mthe bombs he had used earlier.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned, looking at what was left of the tree "..."

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: He looked around "Though I see no vines, and I dont feel claustrophobic, so I think we are alright"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she looked back at him and nodded "well good...."

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "Though we should get moving just in case"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded again and walked by him, towards their camp

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion walked next to her, his swrod across his shoulders as he whistled a casual tune.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she glanced over at him from the corner of her eye

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion glanced at her "What is it?" he asked kindly as they walked.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled a bit and shook her head "nothing"

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion cocked a brow but turned his attention back to the path whistling again.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she yawned as she walked "..."

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion began tapping his sword across his shoulders as he whistled int time to a beat.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya listened to him as they walked

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion continued to whistle (he song he is whistling

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she stayed quiet, but looked over at him

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion stopped whistling but didnt look at her "Your staring again"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled a bit "I was listening..."

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion smiled "Sorry, the lyrics are nice, but much better if its sung by a woman"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded slightly

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion glanced at her profile from the side as they walked.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she looked forward, and pushed her hair back behind her ear as she walked

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion took in her legs and arms liking the fact they had musce build up but not so much as to make her look bulky. He turned back to the road, resistign the urge to look elsewhere on her body.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she continued to look forward " did you come from?"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He explained to her what a slave was.

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "A foreign country across the sea" Ion said, which was partially true, his mother was fro ma foreign country though he was born in this one.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: amallia gave him a look of disgust "thats horrible!"

Arya looked over at him

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: "I dont remember much, I was to young to remember anything really" Ion said, he didnt mean to lie, but a life where having a different background meant life or death, he had become acustomed to altering his past with out thought.

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE shrugged. "What ever you say."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded slightly

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: amallia glared at him

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Is there anything else you wanted?"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "i want you to stop being mean!"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Or else?"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked but refused to back down "yes!"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Or eles what>?"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she narrowed her eyes at him, and a lightning bold hit the ground next to him

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He didn't even flinch. "So, you'd kill your own father? Shame on you."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: another one strusk right at his feet "..."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He grinned and stepped back before hand. "Really now dear? Can't answer...oh fine, but just HIM, but gues who gets to take care of him? You..."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "okay..."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "You finished?"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "...yes"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Then go take care of your new kid."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she backed up slowly, then turned around and ran dow the hall, and back to the room

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: the small boy was eating, Azhemin had given him his food. Lookiing up at his sister he'd frown. "What'd he say?"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at the boy "you arent a slave anymore..."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He looked up. "W...what?"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: "you are free....i threatened him and he said you are free, and i have to take care of you..."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He looked to her and smiled. "T...thanks."

Azhemin hugged the boy. "Yay, I has a brother!"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: amallia smiled a bit "your welcome..."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Azhemin dragged his sister into a group hug.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: amallia blinked and hugged them for a moment then pulled back "you can take that thing off now..."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He looked at her and reached for it, removing it.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled at him "better?"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He threw it out the window. "Y...yes."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled "good..."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Azhemin looked to his sister.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at him "what?"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Im'...scared sis."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: "of what?"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Our 'father'"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: "why?" she raised a brow

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I don't know..."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she walked over to him and hugged him

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He hugged her back.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she looked back at the boy "whats your name?"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I...I was called Scrag..."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: amallia blinked "who called you that?"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Master..."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: "you mean Jin?" she shook her head "what didn your mom and dad call you?"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I never knew my mom..."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: "your dad?"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I was told the only dad I need to know...but I KNOW he isn't, he can't be, I look nothing like him."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned slightly "...."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I know he's not my real father, look." he'd say pulling out a hidden photo of a soldier that looked like Malganis, but had lighter hair.

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at it curiously "...."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "What, what is it?"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: "he looks like malganis....he isnt our real dad but he is more of one than Jin is...this man looks just like him..."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Wow...really?"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded, then looked to her brother "does malganis have a brother?..."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He shrugged. "Never talked about it."

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: "we can ask when they come for us!"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded.


2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: "our mom, and malganis" she looked at him "and you can come with us!"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Y...ylou sure they'll let me?"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "yes!"

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded.

Azhemin smiled. "A new broher we have sis!"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled "yep..."

2010-11-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He hugged 'Scrag' softly. "But Scrag will not do, no no no n no."

2010-11-24 [Sonya Blue]: amallia sat on the bed, looking at them

2010-11-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He looked to his sister. "We must pick him a name."

2010-11-24 [Strawboy]: "What about you ,where is your village?"

2010-11-24 [Sonya Blue]: amallia thought about it

Arya looked forward "its north from here..."

2010-11-24 [Strawboy]: "How far?"

2010-11-24 [Sonya Blue]: She looked over at him "Not far, The city is only a few days from Nightfell...."

2010-11-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Azhemin thought, too.

2010-11-24 [Sonya Blue]: she crossed her arms and looked at him "what do you want your name to be?"

2010-11-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He looked to her. "Um...IO dunno."

2010-11-24 [Sonya Blue]: "well think about it..."

2010-11-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded and b egan to think.

2010-11-24 [Sonya Blue]: amallia waited

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Amtheic"

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: amallia smiled and nodded "alright..."

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Amtheic nodded.

Azhemin smield. "I lke it."

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: amallia looked to the window with a sigh

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Amtheic blinked. "Whats wrong?"

2010-11-25 [Strawboy]: "Nightfell?" Ion asked looking confused.

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia looked back at him "just homesick..."

Arya blinked "its the name of Nami's kingdom..."

2010-11-25 [Strawboy]: "I see, odd name" Ion said tilting his head.

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Amtheic walke up to her and hugged her.

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked and hugged him back

arya laughed "thats been its name since before i was born..."

2010-11-25 [Strawboy]: "Still 'Nightfell. It sounds more like a royal family member was felled by a blade in the night, sounds more like an event then somethign your would call a kingdom"

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: "it was named after Lucas Nightfell, one of the first humans to settle there...he brought my people and his people together and made us allies..."

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled into the hug. "I've always wanted a sister."

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled "well now you have one..."

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and let the hug go.

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: she looked back to the window

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "It'll be okay sis." both boys said.

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: "i know...we'll be home soon..."

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Home...." Amtheic said.

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at him again

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I...never had a real home."

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia nodded slightly then stood up and walked towards the door

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Where you going?" Azhemin asked.

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at him "to explore...ill be back"

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Azhemin nodded. "I'll watch Amtheic."

2010-11-25 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded, walking out of the room and looking down the hall

2010-11-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sat there and waited for her, watching Amtheic, who'd fallan asleep.

2010-11-26 [Strawboy]: "Still sounds kind of ominous" Ion shrugged

2010-11-26 [Sonya Blue]: Arya smiled "the story about how he got his name is kinda strange though..."

Amallia walked down the halls slowly

2010-11-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: People all around the kingdom were preparing for something.

2010-11-26 [Sonya Blue]: she stayed out of the way as she walked

2010-11-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The smell of food made it's way to her nose.

2010-11-26 [Strawboy]: "Oh, how so?" Ion asked looking at Arya

2010-11-26 [Sonya Blue]: she looked around curiously "...."

"its a sad story really..."

2010-11-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: A maid walked up to Amallia. "Hello princess, y ou hungry?" she'd smile.

2010-11-26 [Strawboy]: "First its strange now its sad?" Ion smiled

2010-11-26 [Sonya Blue]: "its both..." she shrugged "and there are many versions of the story..."

Amallia looked up at her "....whats going on?"

2010-11-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I...wasn't told anything, only to take you to get some food if you like."

2010-11-26 [Strawboy]: "So no one story is accurate?"

2010-11-26 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "thats right..."

Amallia nodded "can i take some to my brother?"

2010-11-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She nodded. "Of course."

2010-11-26 [Strawboy]: "Understandable, stories turn to tales, turn to myths as it is passed from word to mouth." Ion shrugged fixing his glasses that were slipping down his nose.

2010-11-26 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled and then nodded "alright"

Arya smiled a bit

2010-11-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He took her hand gently and lead her to the kitchen.

2010-11-27 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia followed "..."

2010-11-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: she sat her down in the kitchen. "Now, what would you like to eat, sweetie?"

2010-11-27 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia shrugged "dunno..."

2010-11-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She smiled. "Think about it."

2010-11-27 [Sonya Blue]: she thought and shrugged again

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She smiled and began to make a few turkey and ham samiches.

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia watched her "..."

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She smiled and placed the plate in front of her.

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia smiled a bit "thank you!" she started eating

2010-11-28 [Strawboy]: "So how many versions of this story are there?"

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: Arya thought about it "Around five or six i think."

2010-11-28 [Strawboy]: "Any of them closest to the truth?"

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "yes...only one..." [phone is gonna die...will be on in like a half hour or so. ]

2010-11-28 [Strawboy]: "Tell me that one, if you dont mind" [no problem]

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "well his orignal name is lost, and seeing as Raidon is dead, and his only living relative other than the children is would be hard to tell you his real last name. when he settled here this land was controled by a blood thirsty demon, he was the reason my people train the way we do, and why we are who we are. the demon was angered that a human was bold enough to try and take his land with his pithetic army..."

2010-11-28 [Strawboy]: "The demons arrogance was his downfall im betting"

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